
Drive the car you want for less

New age car financing with lower weekly payments and more flexibility

Lower repayments?

Heck yes.

Say goodbye to traditional principal and interest payments. At Speedie, we ask you to pay depreciation only.

For a


Paying depreciation only

$258monthly repayment


Paying principal and interest

$502monthly repayment

Flexible terms to suit your lifestyle

Don't get locked into a deal that provides no options. At Speedie, we know life changes fast, we provide you different options at the end of your deal to fit make sure your better off.


Want the newest model? Simply trade in you car for a new one


Don't need the car anymore? Give it back to us for no extra cost


Love it so much you want to keep it? Simply pay off the balance on the car.

More cars more options

Don’t limit yourself to a single brand or model. Leverage our network to finance a diverse selection of cars.

Get started today

Kickstart your journey to owning a brand new car in just 5 minutes.

Step 1

Join our waitlist

We’re working hard behind the scenes to get things ready. Secure your spot as one of our first customers.

Step 2

Relax, we've got it covered

Sit back and let us handle the rest. Once we're up and running, we'll get in touch and do our best to put you behind the wheel of your dream car.

🥝 Made by Kiwi's for Kiwis

Car financing made affordable by other Kiwi's trying to make driving their dream cars affordable